Thursday, February 18, 2010

Face Rash More Condition_symptoms Face Rash?

Face rash? - face rash more condition_symptoms

A month ago, I developed a button near my nose. No problem, I thought. Sometimes I get pimples disappear in one day because my skin is very good to deal with them. But one day I scraped the corn, and I felt a little tingling. Curiously, however, to scratch it hurts. Soon appeared smaller and smaller grains of pink around the area until it is a small pink patch of grain next to my nose. They are not everywhere, just a little itchy spots on the side of my nose. I've always wanted to scratch, but I know that probably will not make things worse. In addition, dried, and began to form yellow crusts. Let's do it myself for a week, and when it began to disappear, I have lotion on it and it helped. He has no yellow pillart () only in the fold of the nose, but still itch! I have some antibiotic ointment on it, hoping that if it is a bacterial infection from scratching will disappear. What is it?


Amanda said...

Sounds like a bacterial infection. Although it is generally across the road, also in May, Molluscum Contagiosum (google or wiki), which is transmitted by direct contact.
Get this from a doctor to be checked immediately. If a virus is contagious, you could in danger from others. Moreover, since there is no clear idea of what actually knows what I could do for your body ... see a real doctor and he or she gives you clarify the proper medication.
In the meantime, I would like some antibiotics without prescription lowest level in a local pharmacy and see what he does, if available. Where are the appointment though!

justme said...

This is what happens to me sometimes similar, but much worse. It seems a course of 2 weeks. A little sore after some bumps, itching, oozing yellow goo and then some, crisply dry, then it is very dry, I mean really dry. Meanwhile he is on the ground. My naturopathic doctor considers this an allergic reaction to something I ate.

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